Entrepreneur, technologist, and author James A. Cusumano joins Chris Brogan and Kerry O'Shea Gorgone on The Backpack Show. He’s got a new book about alchemy, a new kind of supernatural hero, and a whole lot more. There’s a lot to this man. Stop by for new ideas! And in the meantime, check out his website: https://jimthealchymist.com
M. Valentina Escobar Gonzalez is a social media wizard. She's run a consulting firm since 2012 and continues to grow the space. - http://beyond-engagement.com/...
Who Needs a Reason to Party? We All Do. Ashley Sodipo founded Pink Flamingo Party Co., a fun online party shop that offers a...
Kevin Cummings has committed two decades of his career to improving the lives of New York City residents through roles in the nonprofit and...