Who wouldn't want adorable puppies at their party? David Dietz, owner of PuppyParty.com, can make it happen!
On this episode of The Backpack Show with Chris Brogan and Kerry O'Shea Gorgone, we'll talk about how David built a business out of bringing a small pack of puppies to people's parties. (Say THAT five times fast!) https://puppyparty.com/
Entrepreneur, technologist, and author James A. Cusumano joins Chris Brogan and Kerry O'Shea Gorgone on The Backpack Show. He’s got a new book about...
Autumn Brands (https://autumnbrands.com/ ) is a licensed California cannabis cultivator dedicated to the synergy of health and wellness. The Autumn Brands’ family farm started...
Slim Jim Longfoot saw Chris on one of the Streamyard ads playing lately promoting the platform, and said to him, “Hey, I should come...