Erin King is a 3X entrepreneur, bestselling author of "Digital Persuasion," and a global keynote speaker. Erin joins us on this episode of The Backpack Show with Chris Brogan and Kerry O'Shea Gorgone to talk about her new book, "You’re Kind of a Big Deal: Level Up by Unlocking Your Audacity."
Come meet Erin and hear all about how she experienced some epic business failures before ultimately succeeding in a big way, working with clients including The Oscars, The U.S. Navy, VISA and ABC/Disney to elevate digital communication styles to attract attention, increase influence, and sell smarter.
Since 2008, Mike Sorgatz has been profiling the work and biographies of Brooklyn's visual artists in his two blogs, Art in Brooklyn and Art...
People with disabilities often struggle to find work or don't know that there are work benefits available to them. That's why the nonprofit National...
Actor and producer Casey McKinnon joins Chris Brogan and Kerry O'Shea Gorgone on this episode of The Backpack Show. Casey's body of work is...